Golden Gate Park. 1017 acres of wild animals, botanical curiosities, art, 2-wheelers, 4-wheelers and socks-in-sandals foot traffic.
"Dude, man! I'm just drinking beers on a bench in San Francisco!"
The sun was out, but so was the wind. That didn't stop people from wearing shorts and flip flops, from having picnics and leaving their sweaters at home. But not me. I hate being cold. I brought a sweater, a jacket and wore them both. I saw the goose bumps on people's arms, not to mention a few aerobic looking moves by the picnicking hipsters to warm up when they were out of PBR and wine in a box.
It was a nice day. The conservatory visit inspired a trip to Hortica in the Castro. 2 new plants came home. Everything else we've gotten from there has lived. And the man who runs the store is very nice. I want him to be my uncle or a really good neighbor-friend. And even though it's on Castro in between Butt Buddies posters and fancy groceries, it's reasonably priced.