Sunday, January 16, 2011

Doris and Glenn's Greenhouse - FL

Before heading to Oaxaca, we stopped in Florida for a week to visit Alex's family. Grammy and Grandaddy, also known to the many young folks who showed up as Sir and Ma'm, are a couple who grew old together, front porch and all. World War II separated them for a time before they built their first home together up in Kentucky where both had their roots. The weather there didn't agree with the health of their middle girl, and so they moved to Florida where they built another house. And when the girls were grown and the nest was empty, they moved from the city out to the country where - you guessed it - they up and built another house. It was at this last house we stayed for a pre-Christmas Christmas with all the kids, grandkids and great-grandkids. There was also a cat, Callie, and one dog, Miss Daisy, to round things out. Unlike the television and print ads you might see, Florida is not always warm and sunny, though there were many orange trees, but "not as many as there used to be". Florida, as I experienced it, was cold. Late at night, Grandaddy would head out to make sure the orchids wouldn't freeze over in the greenhouse; heat was turned on as needed.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Christmas Eve 1 (or HS Homecoming)

"They do Christmas Eve Different here, dad."

That's what I overheard Alex say while we were making our Christmas phone calls home to family in the states. More accustomed to a sit down dinner with your nearest and dearest, a church service before or after, the parade of musicians and nativity themed floats primarily starring children takes the traveler by surprise.

I call the second photo Joseph's beard.

Friday, January 7, 2011


My love affair with Oaxaca resumed in December when we got to escape the global-warming-ozone-layer-depletion-fire-the-engines cold of the bay area. Perhaps my memory is glossing over a freeze from last year, but I have no memory of so many 40 degree mornings.

I am starting this series of photos, however, with one of the last I took on our trip. On our way back from the beach, we had a 6 hour layover in Oaxaca City. While I went across the street to look at dresses, Alex guarded our bags on the steps of Santo Domingo. With beach relaxation still in his heart, he laid out in endearing fashion keeping our luggage safe and his feet up.
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